“A Roller Coaster Ride”
VR (Virtual Reality) immerses you in an artificial world (virtual reality) by presenting artificial information to your senses through goggles presenting stereographic images and through earpieces - no doubt virtual reality equipment of the future will present to our other senses.
In the IT kitchen we get into virtual reality in under 60 seconds using our smartphone (Vodafone Smart Ultra 6 £125), a pre-assembled cardboard viewer (I Am Cardboard v.2.0 £14.99) and a VR App (VR Rollercoaster from Fibrum Free).
The self assembly Cardboard kit in the video is a typical budget kit at £3.65 (INHDBOX DIY 3D Google Cardboard Vr ) - it can be assembled in 3 - 5 minutes … although it took almost 4 weeks to be delivered.
The design plans for making your own Cardboard VR headset can be downloaded from Google’s Cardboard manufacturers site - If you can get hold of two lenses then you can make a virtual reality headset for your smartphone for around £1- the BiConvex Lenses 25mm x 45mm you need are usually around £1 on ebay and
Current smartphone based Virtual reality is full of promise, it’s a look at the future but full of difficulties in the present. There plenty of compatibility, performance and reliability problems - many apps will not run on your phone, freeze up or not work properly - it can be quite frustrating. The Fibrum VR Rollercoaster app in the video reports that it doesn’t detect a gyro in our phone yet uses it - other apps report no gyro and don’t use it. We are collating a small list of simple free VR apps that we find work OK with our phone at http://inspirenshare.com/vrcardboardapps
More information
Google Cardboard https://www.google.co.uk/get/cardboard/
I Am Cardboard https://www.imcardboard.com/
The inspireNshare list of Cardboard VR Apps http://inspirenshare.com/vrcardboardapps
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